wedding videography winchester

UK Wedding Videography

Okay... so it turns out I haven't been keeping up on my blog posts. In-fact, I have rarely done any blog posts at all, I guess it's all just been a bit too manic! 

So I thought I'd write a general update about my weddings videos in 2017 and what the plan is for Ben Radley Wedding Films going forward in 2018 and beyond. Each year since I started on this crazy journey, it has grown and grown very quickly. I could say 'I didn't expect it', but I love what I do and I have put in the work to make that happen.

Last year (2017) sent me all across the UK I filmed weddings in Cambridge, Gloucester, Somerset, Herefordshire and beyond. As well as in my more local spots such as the New Forest, Bournemouth, Southampton, Winchester and the super local (hometown) Salisbury. Travelling to so many different locations to create wedding videos sparks so much creativity within me as each location, venue and wedding couple are completely different. 

If you need any inspiration for your wedding here are some of the venues I shot at last year: 

This is just a selection, there were many more which I might create a whole blog post about in the future, but these were just the ones I remember at the time of writing! 

I always look back on my films and see constant improvement with each one, so I genuinely always believe the last one I did is the best so far. Each time I tweak and improve, that's how this creative game works, it's never-ending. My wedding videos went through so many changes and improvements last year, the variety of weddings helped with that. What you see of my work now is the most satisfied I have been with the quality of work I produce for my wedding couples. 

In 2018 - the wedding season has already begun - I hope to further grow and expand my reach and variety of weddings that I shoot. I love unique weddings, I love driving to new locations I have never been to before, exploring them on a wedding day and shooting something special. 

I hope Ben Radley Wedding Films continues to work with amazing couples and make creative, unique wedding films. I love what I do, and I genuinely feel a great connection with every couple.  Long may that continue. 

Ben Radley

Below is my 2018 Wedding Film Showreel for those of you that haven't already seen it on other areas of my website: 

2016, an exciting time ahead.

I haven't written a blog in a while... and really have only written one very short one since revamping my wedding film website. So here we go.

2016 is shaping up to be a great year of wedding films, each and every one in a fantastic location, with great couples. On top of that, 2017 is already starting to look like a very busy one as well. 

Wedding videography and filmmaking in general is my ultimate passion. It sounds cliche to say but I really do love what I do. For some people & companies it is seen as a job and/or just a way to make money, for me its a lot more than that. I have a constant need to create things, make films and put my work in front of people that it matters to.

There is no work I do that matters more than a wedding video. There is pressure to get it right, there is a lot of rushing around on the day, a lot of editing, but ultimately, the joy of knowing you have nailed it makes up for all of that. When the couple come back to you saying how much they love their wedding film, that feeling of knowing you have made a difference and put a smile on peoples faces really is brilliant. 

Filmmaking is an art, and wedding videography for me is part of that art. Each film I make I want to be better than the last. Constantly improving and constantly finding new ways to do things is important in the pursuit of filming great weddings both in the UK from my base in Salisbury and all around the world. 

This year I have the pleasure of filming some great wedding videos in Salisbury, my hometown as well as many other various places around the UK. Remember, I LOVE to travel, particularly for a GREAT wedding venue and the opportunity to make a great wedding film. This year I will be filming weddings in venues such as The Clock Barn in Whitchurch, The Italian Villa in Poole, The Manor Barn in Salisbury. I will also be filming at some fantastic wedding venue in Winchester, Dorset, Bath, Lacock, among others. I am looking forward to travelling around, meeting these great couples and filming some fantastic weddings.

I will have some great wedding videos to show off at the end of 2016 as well as in 2017. If you want to be part of that collection head to my Contact page and fill out the form. I still have some spaces on a few weekends in 2016 so feel free to speak to me and see if I am still available. 

Ben Radley Wedding Films really is all about creating the best, most unique wedding films and wedding videos to suit you. I don't believe any wedding is the same, every couple is different. So lets sit, have a coffee and see how we can create the best one for you :)

Don't forget to follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram too!